Dr. Davenport was timely, courteous, and to the point. We didn't dilly dally. I like that.
Dr. Davenport is knowledgeable, spends as much time with me as is necessary, and is clear in his explanations.
I really appreciate the care provided by the nurse and by Dr. Davenport. Both are excellent!

serving Durango since 2019
Board Certified in Family Medicine
Senior AME, 1st, 2nd and 3rd class medicals and Work comp 2 certified
Peter Davenport, M.D.
Women’s Health, Adolescent Medicine, Injury Care, Dermatology, FAA, Workers Compensation
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, 2003
John Peter Smith in Fort Worth, Texas, 2009
Dr. Davenport served in the Peace Corps in Togo, a country in Sub-Saharan West Africa, for two years. He treated patients in family medicine, inpatient care, and emergency medicine in Marble Falls, Texas, for ten years. In 2018 he assumed a medical travel position in New Zealand.
Peter and his wife Brittney have lived in Durango since 2019. They have two sons, three dogs, a horse and two donkeys and together they take advantage of Colorado’s beautiful climate. When it's vacation time, they travel the world for scuba diving and other adventures. Outside of work he’s playing board games or geeking out about electronics, with dreams of owning the smartest of smart homes.